Is Meghan Markle considering a career in politics following her unofficial ‘royal visit’ of Nigeria?

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Following her recent unofficial “royal tour” to her adoptive “homeland” of Nigeria with Prince Harry, Meghan Markle is apparently contemplating a future in politics. Markle has been a strong advocate for women’s rights and feels that women have the power to change the world.

The admirers of the Duchess of Sussex are also of the opinion that she is destined to make her way to the Oval Office. A statement made by Erika Alexander, who plays Meghan on the television show Suits, last week stated that Meghan is “heading to the White House.”
Since the royal couple left the royal family in 2020, there have been rumors that Meghan intends to pursue a career in politics. These rumors have emerged since the royal couple left the royal family. On the other hand, she has never confirmed or denied such rumors.

It has been reported that the recent trip to Nigeria that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry took as a couple has caused controversy inside the United Kingdom royal family, which has left King Charles and Prince William seething.

In an effort to promote the Invictus Games, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex journeyed to Nigeria. However, their trip has been met with criticism, with some individuals referring to it as a “unofficial royal tour.” According to a report in The Mirror newspaper, royal expert Tom Quinn believes that Prince Charles is particularly dissatisfied with the activities of the royal couple who have come to an alienated relationship.
Quinn disclosed that Prince William is “absolutely furious” and resolute in his efforts to forestall the occurrence of occurrences of a similar nature in the future. Meanwhile, it has been alleged that Prince Charles is more agitated than he has ever been. The response that the Nigerian people gave to Meghan and Harry during their visit added fuel to the flames. The Nigerians greeted the couple as if they were on an official royal tour, complete with receptions, school visits, and philanthropic engagements when they were in Nigeria.
According to Quinn, the worries that were held inside the royal family that Meghan and Harry were seeking to sidestep established norms were validated by the response that they received from Nigerians that they received. According to Quinn, the trip demonstrates a change from the typical behavior of royals, as Meghan and Harry appear to be establishing their freedom from the various restraints that are associated with royal status. The steps that they have taken have reportedly forced William and Charles to speculate about how they may recover control of the situation, as reported by The Mirror.

A tilt at the White House?

A royal expert named Richard Kay was quoted as saying that Meghan and Harry’s trips to Nigeria were a “soft launch” for her prospective candidacy for the presidency of the United States of America, as reported by Sky News.
“There is a possibility that she is putting her toe in the water,” the speaker said. Who will know? According to Palace Confidential, Kay was quoted as saying, “I believe she has a long way to go before she has a chance at the White House.”

During their trip to Nigeria, which lasted for three days, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex promoted the Invictus Games and engaged in conversations with the highest public figures in the country.

She has a history of openly immersing herself in political issues, a stance that has been questioned by working royals who are expected to stay politically neutral. The mother of two has a history of doing so.
It was said that she personally met members of the United States Senate in 2021 in order to advocate for paid leave. Furthermore, she reportedly referred to herself as “the Duchess” despite the fact that the United States does not recognize titles of this kind.

Will Prince Harry face any troubles if Meghan enters the White House?

Experts claim that Meghan might be just a few steps away from becoming the president of the United States of America if she follows in the footsteps of Donald Trump, who is one of her most vocal opponents. This information comes from MailOnline magazine.

It is interesting to note that Harry would need to become a citizen of the United States in order for Meghan to get serious about moving into the White House. If that were to occur, the experts believe that she would lose her credibility.

A political expert who specializes in the United States, Christopher Phelps, stated, “It would be a great story.” The British royal who loved her so much that he gave up his citizenship in the United Kingdom in order to come to the United States. Although it would not be necessary for him to carry out the task, he would be required to do so if she desired to maintain any degree of credibility.

Following the passing of Dianne Feinstein, there were rumors that California Governor Gavin Newsom would select Meghan to serve as a senator for the state. These rumors circulated in the previous year.

A meeting was apparently made between Meghan and Governor Newsom, and she even networked with prominent Democrats in order to start a grassroots campaign. On the other hand, Newsom’s ultimate selection was Laphonza Butler.

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