Before the 2025 launch, a ‘UFO-like’ flying car with an eye-watering $288k price tag is seen.

The debut of a revolutionary flying automobile resembling an alien spacecraft has set off a frenzy in the automotive industry. This car, which is expected to revolutionize the concept of personal transportation, has been described as having a ‘UFO-like’ appearance. This futuristic vehicle has captivated the imagination of automotive fans and futurists alike, signifying that a new era of mobility is on the horizon. With a price tag that may …

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How the age of mammals might come to an end

The Cenozoic Era, most commonly referred to as the Age of Mammals, has been an important time in Earth’s history. This age can be distinguished by the appearance and subsequent diversification of mammals. However, in more recent times, a combination of variables, the most important of which is human activity, has generated concerns about the possibility that this age would soon come to an end. This article investigates the many …

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The United States extends a science and technology pact with China, allowing time to rework the arrangement.

The United States’ relationship with China has been characterized by a complicated interplay of collaboration and competition across a wide range of fields, including science and technology. Both countries have acknowledged the significance of working together in these spheres to further global progress; nevertheless, they have also struggled with challenges associated with theft of intellectual property, worries about national security, and difficulties in trade. We discuss the extension of the …

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