Ready For Libra Full Moon? What Your Sign Should Know

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A full moon that occurs in March is just around the corner, and because we have just reached the beginning of the season of Aries, this full moon will be in Libra, which is the sign that comes after Aries in the zodiac. This full moon will be in Libra because Libra is the sign that comes after Aries. Although we started celebrating New Year’s a few months ago, the astrological new year is actually the equinox, which takes place in the spring. This is because the equinox happens in the spring. The beginning of the astrological year has arrived, and this specific full moon is the first of the forthcoming year. This is due to the fact that the spring equinox occurs during the year that is considered to be springtime.

On Monday, March 25, at three o’clock in the morning Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), this full moon, which also happens to be a partial lunar eclipse, is anticipated to reach its peak. This eclipse will bring about a partial lunar eclipse. There will be a portion of this eclipse that can be seen with the naked eye. On the other hand, depending on the zodiac sign that you were born under, everyone of us needs to be prepared for something that is unique to us. That is all that you need to be conscious of at this point.


Aries, what is the present situation of the connections you have right now? Due to the fact that the full moon is currently situated in your seventh house of relationships, Imani Quinn, an astrological expert and author of astrological SOS, believes that the most intimate connections you have at the moment are receiving a great deal of attention.

It is her recommendation that you analyze yourself to see whether any of your personal ties need to be redesigned in order to refocus yourself and your requirements, or whether partnerships are no longer beneficial to you in general. During this time period, it is possible that you will encounter people who leave your life without warning. On the other hand, it is also possible that you could encounter people who come back to investigate a previous timeline. Quinn explains to mindbodygreen that in the event that it does take place, you can have peace of mind knowing that it is tied to and a part of your destiny, and that it may be for a lesson that has not yet been completed.

How the Libra Full Moon Affects Each Sign

Because the moon is currently in your sixth house, which is associated with routines, health, and service, it is time for you, Taurus, to focus on taking care of yourself. This is because the moon is in this house. Right now is the time when you ought to carry out the action. Quinn asserts that this lunar eclipse, which takes place when the moon is in its full phase, is going to “show you where you have been neglecting yourself—and you won’t be able to get away with it any longer.”

Quinn’s explanation shows that the present emphasis is on prioritizing yourself, which entails letting go of things that aren’t working out well for you. This is the case because the current emphasis is on prioritizing yourself. Quinn says, “And Taurus know how to indulge, so lean into that when it comes to self-care,” and she goes on to underline that as we enter eclipse season, it is especially vital to remain consistent with your habits at this time. She says this because it is especially important to take care of yourself. She makes this statement because she believes that it is of utmost significance to grant yourself permission to enjoy.

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Gemini, are you experiencing a feeling of ferocity? The remark that Quinn makes is that this moon eclipse is, in a significant sense, interacting with your destiny. This is due to the fact that the full moon has placed itself in your fifth house, which is related with creative expression and expression of ideas. According to her explanation, “And that includes using their voice and creative expression to get in touch with who they really are,” she continues.

At this very moment, the most authentic version of yourself is making an effort to present itself; hence, you ought to give yourself the opportunity to grow and develop. “You may find an impatience with things that don’t serve your highest good right now—and it’s all part of the higher plan, so go with it,” according to Quinn in his final statement.

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The time has come, Cancer, to handle whatever issues that have arisen in the domestic sphere. Because you are a homebody, your home is meant to be your sanctuary as well as a place where you can rest and recuperate, as Quinn explains to mindbodygreen. This full moon is lighting up your fourth house, which is associated with your family and your home. It is also the place where you tend to the needs of your loved ones.

Therefore, Quinn points out that under these moon beams, “A change in stability with your home is very unnerving for a Cancer, but lean on your internal place of solace and trust the process—know it’s meant to get you where you’re supposed to be going.”

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Although you are not the type of person who would shy away from the spotlight, the third house of communication in your chart is currently seizing the spotlight under these moon beams. This is despite the fact that you are not the type of person who dislikes being in the spotlight. Additionally, Quinn makes the observation that “Sometimes that courageous heart of yours can be misunderstood—but right now is the time for you to set the record straight and let people know what you need to say.”

Quinn invites you to make strategic use of the power that your words carry at this very point in time. She continues by saying that if you have been waiting for a push in the right way, it is possible that you need to speak up in order to get your path or the next chapter in your life moving in the right direction. She claims that this is the case if you have been waiting for a push in the right direction.

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Virgo, how have you been spending it recently? Quinn believes that this full moon lunar eclipse will land in your second house, which is associated with material security and belongings. As a result, you will be compelled to examine your financial obligations more seriously. Nevertheless, you should not be afraid because this energy is guiding you in the proper route.

Quinn informs mindbodygreen that this full moon and lunar eclipse is “getting you right with your money and your self worth.” This is true regardless of whether you are seeking for a raise at work, a fresh allocation of finances, or a rethink of your budget. It may mean a shift in your spending habits, but it may also mean taking a look at the areas in which you are spending more than you are able to afford, she says. She adds, “It’s all to set you up for success,” and she means it.

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Your first house of self and identity is where the full moon is currently located, Libra, and it is currently in your sign. You shouldn’t be astonished if you feel as though you’re starting a new chapter in your life! According to Quinn’s explanation, the moment has come for you to take stock of how far you’ve gone and to part ways with anyone or anything that is no longer helping you.

Quinn tells mindbodygreen that whatever it is that you are concentrating on right now—whether it is broadening your viewpoint or working hard to realize a significant dream—is what you are supposed to be doing. “Reassess your purpose and how it is that you’re going about it—and let the universe bless you with unexpected surprises,” she explains further.

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If you are a Scorpio, this full moon may be especially powerful for you since it will shine a light on your 12th house, which is connected to the subconscious and the process of coming to terms with one’s past. Quinn draws attention to the fact that “You know better than anyone that facing your fears and shadow work lead to profound levels of information transformation and change—so put that mindset to work here.”

When all is said and done, full moons are about letting go, and this particular full moon is accentuated with the lunar eclipse gateway. Full moons are about letting go. Quinn continues by saying, “That is here to amplify everything that you are ready to shed, which means making more space for new things to come into your life.” This is in light of the fact that this is in fact the case. A transformation is about to take place in the near future.

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As this full moon lunar eclipse illuminates your 11th house, which represents broader communities and networks, it is time for you, Sagittarius, to connect with your larger community in a fresh way. “Spring is here and with it are social engagements, which you love—stepping into your community and sparking inspiration and change,” Quinn makes the observation.

She goes on to say that if there are changes that you are hoping to see in your community, you should have faith that they are occurring and that a way has been chosen for you to participate in them. “That might mean letting go of some aspects or beliefs you held close to your heart about your community, but it also will reveal which aspects of your community are important to focus on right now.”

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During this full moon, Capricorn, your professional path and global influence are being highlighted. This full moon is landing in your 10th house, which is associated with your public image and career. And according to Quinn, this indicates that you might have the desire to make a shift at some point in your professional path, or even to reevaluate your identity and the reason you are here.

“This may be a big time of massive shift and upheaval when it comes to your work or your work life,” according to the author, “But know that it’s for the best if you’ve been having an itch to leave your job or take on a passion project.” This energy is ultimately requesting that you be honest with yourself about your vision.

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Wishing for the stars, Aquarius? Considering that this full moon is located in your ninth house, which is associated with expansion, travel, and higher learning, you should consider it your permission slip to dream greater. Quinn suggests that you might be considering making a significant relocation, going to a new location, or even learning a new talent and putting it into practice.

As Quinn explains, “This lunar eclipse is asking you to put your larger vision into action, and it is helping you make changes in order to make it happen.” She goes on to suggest that “no sight is too large for you, let it be big.” There is a possibility that you will need to let go of some of the more insignificant things in order to make place for the broader vision.

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Pisces, you want to express your gratitude to the full moon for the fact that you are experiencing a transformation that is occurring from the inside out. It is lighting up your enigmatic eighth house, which is associated with sex, power, and death and rebirth, according to Quinn. As she explains, “At this time, you are experiencing a significant change on the inside from the inside out.” Immediately upon your return from the solar system, you will embark on a new journey, which marks the beginning of a new chapter for you.

In order to make the most of this momentum, it is essential that you have a clear understanding of who is actually on your side; that is, who you can rely on to share this direction with you. In addition to this, Quinn emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for any internal uncertainties that may surface, as it is imperative that you confront these concerns in order to bring about the necessary adjustments.

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The takeaway

One of the functions of the Libra full moon, which occurs once a year, is to act as a reminder of the importance of maintaining a healthy balance in our lives and in our relationships. Consequently, if you bring your preferred full moon ritual with you and add a dash of Libra’s diplomatic expertise to the mix, we will be able to sail into spring with greater harmony.

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